Saturday, July 25, 2009

circus, Skiis, and Sun!

We had the great privilege of playing host the last couple weekends :) Last weekend Annie came to visit to help us out and be here to see the family. It was so fun. Sunday we went on a small drive up the canyon and walked around. On the way up my loving husband rolled my arm up in the window! It didn't hurt too badly, although I did end up bruising a bit! This weekend Steven came to Utah for the Kenny Chesney concert on Thursday. Zack, Steven, Kim and Erin all went (it's kind of a long story about why I didn't go). They had a ton of fun though. Last night we went to a circus show! It was so good- Zack's Cousin Nick works with the cirus and travels all over putting on these shows. He says it takes 7 hours to put up the tent! There we clowns, tight ropes, motercycles, and a miniture pony and a small donkey (they didn't do much, just walk around) There was this one act where the girl climbs up the rope and spins and hold up her whole body with just her feet. it was so amazing. We spent today in Park City! It was so beautiful-we couldn't have asked for better weather. We stayed at the Fesival Of Flights for a few hours where we watched free style jumps from tall ramps into a pool. and then we watched the long jump event, that was fun for the first 7 mins but then I got bored. Zack liked it though- I think I was just worn out from the sun. We walked down main street for a while looking a shops and just hanging out really. Overall, it was an excellent weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh that sounds like fun!! Sorry about your arm though. I think Zack wanted you to be hurt like he is :)
